AMIM East Coast Shipyards Members Visit

On 23rd & 24th September 2020, the Acting President of Association of Marine Industries of Malaysia (AMIM), Mr. Soo Jee Main and 20 more AMIM members visited the AMIM members located at East Coast of Peninsular Malaysia. AMIM Delegation visited MSET Shipbuilding Corporation Sdn Bhd, the oldest member of AMIM & Universiti Malaysia Terengganu (UMT) with both located at Kuala Terengganu on the first day of the visit. On the 2ndday, AMIM visited Sulong Marine Slipway, a small local yard located at Kuala Terengganu with experience over 40 years of building wooden boats/ships. The delegation then moves further down the coastline visiting Geliga Slipway at Kemaman & Pernepa Engineering & Maritime Services at Kuantan.

It was quite an eye-opening visit led to AMIM & its East Coast Members deepening ties and to building a solid partnership in a wide range of fields. The visit on 23 & 24 September gave an opportunity to have fruitful discussion about future bilateral relations, expectations and how AMIM could further boost their active contribution to the marine industry especially SBSR sector.

Photo Credit: Media Kreatif UMT & AMIM Members

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As the only national industry organisation representing SBSR and marine-related industry players in Malaysia, AMIM plays a central role in the development of the nation’s SBSR industry.